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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Really, what do they gain?

I am having a hard time understanding why some men lie about the things they lie about. I found out today that my husband has been lying to me for THREE WEEKS. He tested out of a class at school so instead of going from 8:30 to 2:30 he was getting out before lunch and had no second class. He didn't tell me that he tested out until a week later because, and these are his words, "I didn't want to come home, I wanted to screw around and be irresponsible, and I knew if I came home you would make me do stuff." Yeah, ya think fucker? Since we are MOVING and need to PACK and since I AM STUCK IN THE FUCKING HOUSE CLEANING ALL DAMN DAY EVERY DAY. Yeah, I would make you actually CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF. Why does HE gets to run around and be irresponsible and avoid coming home so that he doesn't have to do a fucking thing while *I* have to be here doing everything? And why didn't he just TELL ME that he tested out but he was going to stay late until he finished his so-called "project"? Am I that much of a bitch that he can't be home without being unhappy? Is he really that much of a fucking lazy selfish asshole that he would rather avoid me altogether than take out the damn trash? Or was he doing something he didn't want me to know about?

FUCKING ASSHOLE. I am starting to think that maybe we just aren't right for each other. Ya know, since I actually GIVE A SHIT and he doesn't. FUCKER. I hate him right now. He was home all day today and didn't do a FUCKING THING but read a book, while I packed all of our dishes, cleaned the kitchen, cooked, packed all of the spices, sorted through tons of stuff to give away, packed all of our stuff in the living room, gave the kids all baths, cleaned the living room, did laundry, packed a bunch of stuff for Gretta, and did a shitload of dishes. And the most important thing that I asked him to do, call G's ex about giving us our money before we fucking overdraw, of COURSE he didn't do that. Why do I have to be the fucking grown up? Why is it that all of the bills, packing, cleaning, cooking, worrying, being responsible, calling people, shoppping for groceries, EVERYTHING that grown ups have to do to survive, falls on MY SHOULDERS? Why does he get to be an irresponsible asshole? WHY????????????

I just want to fucking die.

Did I mention that I hate him right now?