So, I think I have finally perfected my Jedi mind tricks and all of a sudden Hilary is Star Wars enthralled, after years of subtle hints and innuendos. She has finally fallen to the dark side of obsession. Unfortunately, she is a little more like Adam in that aspect. As much as I *thought* I knew about Star Wars, she is blowing me out of the water with all of her analystical questions. So, I say to her what I say to all weirdo film fanatics... IT'S JUST A MOVIE. IT'S NOT REAL. Hahaha. We did have a lot of fun editing pictures of her to include a light saber last night though. LoL. She can be Hilafet. Or Hiloda. Or Hilawon Kenobe. Or Hilamadala. Or the ultimate supreme geek of the universe.
And I need to add... I am really looking forward to having my own place. Now that the matter of a deposit is all taken care of, I can allow myself to think about how nice it will be to actually have my own HOME and not just my own room. I keep thinking about sitting on the couch, watching TV, sipping some tea, and not having to worry about if I remembered to put sunscreen on the kids or if I made the house adequately clean for when Gretta gets home from work. Most of the week Adam is gone all but 4 hours a day when he is sleeping, so it will be like living all on my own. I feel like a teenager about to move out on their own for the first time. I will finally have NO ONE TO ANSWER TO and get to play house and be a real live grown up!
I am such a goob.
uh, you are the weirdo here. IT'S NOT JUST A MOVIE! It's SIX movies Darth Trina. Gaw.
.....And its AWESOME!!!
That's EXACTLY what Hil's mom said. Hahahaha.
I guess this may be one of those rare times when the phrase "Your mom" actually applies huh?
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