Friday, July 29, 2005
Ban the banners
So, I decided that I want to ban something. Everyone else is doing it. I don't want to be left behind. How can I possibly be hip and trendy if I don't jump onto a banning bandwagon. How can I possible be an upstanding and moral person if I don't speak out against something with absolutely no regard for the feelings of the people who are doing what annoys me. After all, I am protecting them, and protecting the CHILDREN. And even better, I can LEAD a banning bandwagon and be the lead banner. Oh, then my life will be complete.
So, I got to thinking... what can I ban... ? The use of fossil fuel because it pollutes the environment? Nah... I need my car to get to the store and buy my liquor and dead animals for my BBQ later. How about cell phone? People talking on c ell phones cause more and more car accidents every year. No, wait... I need my cell phone to call my sister and talk to her about body hair and men's obsession with balls. Okay, so how about fast food? Obesity is a huge problem in our country and obesity related illness is now a leading cause of death. But wait, that would mean no more toaster sandwiches and onion rings from Sonic. Ixnay on the astfay oodfay anbay.
OH WAIT! I'VE GOT IT! I have finally found something to ban that doesn't effect MY lifestyle whatsoever! Let's ban RELIGION! Religion causes intolerance, bigotry, arrogance, racism, judgement, emotional distress, and even physical harm and death. Religious people talk down to me because I have pink hair and don't worship Jesus. Religious zealots have burned other people (Salem), hang other people from trees and drug them from cars (KKK), cut off people's heads (Middle East), forced million of people into gas chambers (Nazi Germany), taken over entire nations slaughtering masses of people (the Crusades), flown planes into buildings and killed people (WTC and Pentagon), bombed health clinics killling the women and babies they claim to be trying to save (anti-abortion activists bombing clinics), and beaten perfect strangers down in the streets and murder then in cold blood for not allowing the correct body part to come into contact with their own body part (hate crimes all over the US). Because of religion people can actually be denied the right to enter into a legal contract with someone else if at least one fo them doesn't have a penis and the other one a vagina. Religious freaks actually build statues of people after they are killed by other religious freaks and put it them the middle of their hometowns with inscriptions like "This faggot is now burning in hell" on them. Religious people tell other people they are immoral and evil for committing muder while they push for the death penalty so they can murder the murderers. Religion causes a lot of grief. Why do we even still have it?
I say ban religion. Who cares if they have a right to practice religion. Who cares about all of those people who practice their faith peacefully, never imposing it on anyone else. Who cares about how they feel about being discriminated against because I am a big fat whiner who hates religion. WHO THE FUCK CARES?!?!?! I am annoyed, I don't like it, IT HAS TO GO!
Monday, July 25, 2005
I am having the hardest time coming up with ideas and my portfolio is sorely lacking because of it. I want to create photographs that show the beauty of life, the wonder in normality. Photos that show that even when your life is mundane and simple, it's extraordinary. Of course I can wax poetic all day, but that doesn't mean that anything I take a photo of will be anything but ordinary. I have felt a bit inspired recently, but it seems like portraying what my mind sees in a print is next to impossible. I am starting to see a pattern with the things I shoot, and I don't know if it is a pattern that I want to be defined as my "style". I wish I could create raw, dirty, edgy images.
At this point I wish I could CREATE anything. I am afraid that my ability to perceive and invent will never evolve past where it is right now.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
I am so damn smart I amaze myself
Your IQ Is 135 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Exceptional Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Genius |
Too bad this isn't a real I.Q. test huh?
My first pedicure
Are you still supposed to have sore toes two days later? My big toe on my right foot freakin KILLS. It is sore and swollen and pink. UGH. It's a good thing that I wear sandals all the time because I couldn't put on a closed toe shoe right now if I tried.
And are they supposed to make you feel like shit when they are "pampering" you? I'm not sure what code of conduct applies inside the nail parlor... maybe there is some kind of magical anti-manners field generator that you walk through when you walk into a nail parlor that takes you to another world with all different rules of common courtesy. If there is I sure didn't notice it as I was being sucked into insult land.
Where I'm from, it isn't okay to hold up the dead skin from someone's foot for everyone in a place a business to see... TWICE.
Where I'm from it's not okay to look up at someone while you are giving them a pedicure and ask them, as loudly as you can I might add, if they want an eyebrow wax with a disgusted "Your name must be Yetti you so hairy" look on their face.
Where I'm from, you actually charge people what your sign says you will charge, or you tell them that it will be more BEFORE you start working.
Apparently they were from a different world. The force is strong in that nail parlor, and it is clouded with the dark side.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
You don't have to be Christian to be happy.
You don't have to honor the birth of Christ on December 25th.
Christ wasn't even born on December 25th, he was born in the Spring, *IF* he was born at all!
It's not "sad" if a parent doesn't teach their child about Jesus. Do you teach your kids about the Pagan gods and goddesses? Unless you do, shut up about it hypocrite.
Christianity isn't the only religion in the world.
How does it feel to be told that you can't praise Jesus everywhere, pray in school, and your religion isn't the most important in every event? How does it feel to be left out of holiday pageants at grade schools all over the country? How does it feel to be told you can't force your religion on everyone anymore? Sucks huh? Well guess what, now you know how EVERYONE ELSE FEELS.
Whine Bitch Moan Complain
First of all, if you don't live in America, do not *assume* you know more about American politics than an American. 18 year old retarded German girls do not, and will not EVER, know more about politics in my country than I do. I don't doubt that there are 18 year olds, and there are Germans, in this world that know more about politics, and American politics, than I do. But the particular one that signed the guestbook on my other diary does not. If she tells me one more time who to vote for and why, I will have to punch her in the grill, dawg. If she tells me one more time that her opinion of who should be my president matters as much as my opinion, I will have to bust a cap in her ass, G. Seriously, your country isn't all that spectacular itself, so worry about politics in your own country before another Hitler springs up because you were too busy paying attention to America. Saddest part is, she is such a pathetic follower, she would be the first one yelling "Hail Hitler" and making retarded hand gestures in a sea of brainwashed Germans if that ever DID happen.
The other bug I have up my ass at the moment is people who play the victim all the time. Especially those who judge people in their own family for NOT being whiney assholes. One thing I think everyone would do well to realize is that elderly people, like grandparents, have been independant adult people for longer than you have been ALIVE. They are set in their ways for GOOD REASON, and after being independant and self sufficient for half a century, they aren't going to give that up just because you say they should. Would you give up your religion, your home, or your pride just because someone else said you should? Yeah, didn't think so jackass. Stop being so damn judgemental and acting like the grandparents that gave your parents life and who helped RAISE YOU are some HUGE burden.
Oh, and just so you know, when someone is severely brain damaged in a car accident when they are 12, they will act like a 12 year old FOREVER. 12 year old boys are hormonal, horny, confused, and perverted. There is no exception to that rule, and if someone is developmentally stalled in that stage by a serious accident, it is just downright FUCKED UP of you to talk about them as if they are a child molester or rapist. You try living your whole life stuck in a body that doesn't work correctly, a mind that won't develop any further, being perfectly aware that you are handicapped and can't do a damn thing about it, living with memories of being normal, and knowing that you will NEVER EVER have sex like EVERY OTHER NORMAL PERSON ON EARTH. Stop being SO FUCKING JUDGEMENTAL. You have no room to talk about how a handicapped man's parents baby him too much therefore making him unable to take care of himself, when YOU CAN'T TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.
Cradle Robbers
"hi i am 23 when i was 18 i fell in love with someone 3 years unger then i
was both of r parrince had problems we me and her being togather. it was
because of her age and ming but we still saw each othere any way with out
knowing your age and his my addvice is as long and u dont get yourself
pregnet the u shoud be fine cing him and as long as it is not to much of an
age diffence meing if u do got that distice with the relationship if u r
under 14 and he is near 18 he can be arested for being with u i know i was
studing to be a cop the law is 14 and under is off limmits to 17 and above
and 18 is leggale adult. i hope that helps u but dont run that just makes
people worry and could get him in truble even if it was your plan and not
Where do I begin? Besides the obvious lack of any formal education as displayed by the horrendous grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
First let me tell you, this was in a "gothic" group. I understand that being "goth" means breaking the rules, being an individual, going against all social norms... blah, blah. I get it, I really do. But encouraging an underage girl to disobey her parents because your teenybopper girlfriend did it when you were robbing the cradle at 18 years old? Yeah, great advice. And from someone who is studying to be a cop? If that's what we have to look forward to from the future law enforcement professionals of this country, I should just move to Canada now.
Not to sound like some crazed, ultra-christian, right wing, religious right republican, but what the hell happened to family in this country? I don't deny that there are some people who abuse their kids. I don't deny that there are some parents who are just plain fucked up in the head and want to see their children fail. As sad as that is, it's NOT the norm. Most parents have something called HUMAN NATURE, and that tells them to raise their children to be successful and productive adults, and to be more than they turned out to be themselves. Of course if you ask just about any teenager if their parents want what's best for them when they ground them after running away with a crack addict from the projects, having sex with random people, or driving the getaway car in their group of friends latest Quik-E-Mart robbery, they will undoubtedly say that they are so "misunderstood" and their parents don't give a damn about them.
So of course, this idiot telling any and every teenager that comes across that message to just do what you want, screw what your parents think, just don't run away or get pregnant, really angers me. I can tell it worked SO WELL for him, can't you?
So here is my advice for all of the teenagers of the world who think they have life, love, and how the world works all figured out.
YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT. I wasn't a teenager that long ago, and I can guarantee you that I dealt with more bullshit by your age than you have. Unless your parents are beating you with coat hangers or selling you on the corner for a dime bag of crack, you can't complain about how they don't understand you or don't care about you. Stop whining like a little bitch and completely disregardling the fact that they were teenagers before you, are older than you, and know more than you do. Life experience is everything. At 14 years old, you have none. That's the way it is, deal with it. Choosing some random crush that I can guarantee you don't REALLY love no matter how infatuated you are, and you won't know 10 years from now, over your family, is just about the most retarded choice you could make. They don't give a damn about you, haven't invested anything into your well being, and would leave you in a second if a hotter piece of ass came along. Stop watching teen angst movies. Life isn't really like that, people don't really need to be saved from their families, and you aren't a god damn savior.
50 Mental Disorders in One Fucked Up Package.
Well, I know a woman who does that. She thinks that by ignoring her son when he talks to her that way, she is teaching him that he doesn't get what he wants unless he is polite. Nevermind the fact that she has never taught him the words please and thank you. Instead, she is teaching him to ignore HER when she disciplines him. She is also teaching him that it's okay to talk to everyone else that way. That kid is going to end up being smacked upside the head by a complete stranger one day, and if it progresses further as he gets older he will be just another homocide on the evening news.
I don't know why I am surprised by this woman. She is one of those eternal victims. She actually WANTS bad things to happen to her so she can use them to try and convince people that she is strong. As if life is one big competition to see who has endured the most. I'm sorry, but when you bring it on yourself, it doesn't make you strong. It makes you PATHETIC. Letting your child treat you like a piece of shit on the street doesn't mean you are letting him develop into the person he is supposed to be. It means you are setting him up for failure as a human being so that you have more to "woe is me" about.
And one more bit of insight. When someone has been through what you are going through and gives you adivce, they aren't automatically being hypocritical and condescending. Maybe they are *gasp* trying to HELP! Maybe they actually WANT to see you succeed and be happy. As fun as it is to think that every person on earth is just trying to make you feel like shit and convince you they are perfect, that's usually not the case. Especially with your own family. Just because you don't love yourself doesn't mean that no one else loves you. Get over yourself already.
Environmental Hysteria
So what's the point of environmental hysteria? Well, I have a theory...
Remember back in the early 90's when that trash barge was floating aimlessly along the atlantic coastline looking for a place to dump it's trash? The entire country took notice and all of a sudden we were running out of places to put our trash and the world was going to end. The DEA put out a pamphlet about the dangers of not recycling and with all of this information about how the number of landfills in this country was going down so our trash was going to consume us (when actually the number of landfills was going down, but the area of the landfills was going up so we were actually gaining MORE landfill space). What the media (a.k.a. political propoganda machine) failed to mention is that the trash barge we all saw floating down the coastline looking for a place to dump the trash wasn't doing that because New York had run out of space. The company that the trash belonged to was trying to save some money by paying someone in Louisiana to take their trash, and mid-trip the deal fell through and in an attempt to avoid paying to bring it all the way back to New York, they were trying to dump it in every state on the way back up. The trash ended up back in New York, but not before freaking out the entire country and causing $8 billion a year of our taxes to be spent on a recycling program that adds more than it fixes. And who do you think that is benefitting? You guessed it. POLITICIANS. Politicians use extreme environmentalism as a platform to get re-elected and further line their pockets with special interest campaign financing by making the American public feel guilty about "destroying the environment". Who is going to argue with that? You will just look like an insensitive, money hungry, industrial happy asshole if you argue with them.
So now we have an environmental movement that doesn't use facts to back it up. Instead it uses the guilt factor. So, let me clear up a few things for you.
First of all, we are not running out of space to put our trash. If you were to dig a 35 mile by 35 mile hole 200 feet deep, you could store 10,000 years worth of trash there. That is a very small area of the United States. We could use that SAME HOLE forever because the trash eventually biodegrades and clear space for more trash.
Recycling wastes time, energy, and pollutes more than it prevents. The ONLY recycling that actually helps more than it hurts is aluminum, because it costs less overall to recycle an aluminum can than it does to make a new one. EVERY OTHER RECYCLABLE causes more harm than good. Between paying people to sort, transporting sorted materials which uses gas and pollutes the air, and running the machinery that uses harmful chemicals to actually recycle the material which puts even more pollutants into the air while wasting energy and money, recycling is hurting us.
It costs $150 a ton to recycle. It costs $50 a ton to just throw it away and let it biodegrade which puts beneficial nutrients back into our soil. Not to mention the negative effects that recycling have on the environment that I mentioned above.
Remember the evil methane that landfills produce that are going to kill humanity? Well, that methane is collected and turned into energy. In one year at one landfill in California, enough methane is harnessed and converted to energy to power 60,000 homes for 30 years. Evil, evil methane, eh?
Oh, and let's not forget how logging companies are clear cutting forests and destroying our planet. There are 3 times MORE trees now than there were in the 20's. Evil, evil logging companies, eh?
Global warming is real, but you aren't controlling it. Imagine that! The earth doesn't need piddly little humans to destroy it. It's much more powerful than we are! That 5% increase in the temperature over the last 100 years that is so alarming to some came about AFTER environmental extremists started measuring temperatures from the ground in places like Las Vegas where concrete causes heat to reflect off of it. The temperatures measured from satellites (actually the only ACCURATE way to measure because it takes everything into account, not just one small area) have increased half a degree at night, and NOTHING during the day over the last 20 years.
Tempuratures are actually LOWER now than they were in medieval times before all of the evil industrialization that is supposedly causing our environmetal crisis. Now THAT'S interesting...
Total human contribution to green house gasses are less than 1/100th of a percent. 95% of green house gasses are caused by... drumroll please... NATURAL WATER VAPOR!
There's a few little tid bits for you to ponder over...
Now for the real reason I started talking about this. If you take on environmentalism as your cause, great. We can all do well to conserve our natural resources and be aware of ways to replenish what we use. But, PLEASE know what you are talking about. Don't tout holier than thou environmental bullshit and have absolutely no facts to back up the hysteria you are vomiting to people. And before someone asks me for my proof... here ya go.
Enough information to make your head explode. A show to enlighten you. Environmental Protection Agency LMOP Program. LMOP case studies. Status and trends in America's forest lands.
In fact, I think I will link her to this and see if she wants to meet for "lunch".
Online Whore or Real Life Trash?
Religion... it's not just for the religious anymore.
When you choose a religion, it is supposed to be because you BELIEVE IT. Am I wrong? Isn't that what religion is all about? Someone please strike me down with a bolt of lightning if I am somehow wrong about this. It is not a popularity contest, or a way to make your mate happy. It is a personal decision concerning every aspect of your life and it's meaning.
Then again, maybe you are supposed to change it everytime you meet someone and want to make them happy. Maybe it is one of those things, like you shoes, that you change everyday so that everyone else will think you are cool. So that you "match".
If that's the case, I have been going about this all wrong. Shame on me. I forgot that I am a mindless sheep.
Sibling Stupidity = Love?
When you date someone, and you break up, that automatically makes them off limits for anyone else in your family right? Say you are a guy, and your brother dates this really hot girl. They break up. If you tried to move in on her, your brother would beat your ass, right? Same with a girl and her sister, right? If those rules apply to siblings of the same sex, should they not apply to siblings of opposite sexes?
The thought of sleeping with someone that one of my siblings slept with is just WRONG. Sit back and think about it for a minute.... That persons body parts were very intimate with your siblings body parts. Exchanging body fluids.... sperm, saliva, etc, etc. Why anyone would want to get involved with someone that has boinked someone else in your very own family is WAY beyond me.
Imagine this.
A guy dates a girl and they have a very nasty break up. They manage to come out of it friends, but the break up was very hard on the guy.
Now imagine you are that guys sister. Imagine you knew that his girlfriend was cheating on him, and that she was going to break up with him before he went out to visit her. Would you tell him, or would you let him fly out there to see her anyway, knowing that she was going to break his heart?
Well, let's go with the worst case scenario. You let your little brother go out there and get his heart broken by this girl. You saw him come back completely broken and devistated. Would you tell his now ex-girlfriend off for hurting your brother? For putting you in the middle of it? Or would you let her off the hook and continue being friend with her like nothing happened?
Again, choose the worst case scenario and continue being friends with this girl. In fact, become better friends with her than you were before.
Now, let's add a little twist. Let's say you are bisexual. If your little brothers ex-girlfriend, who you KNEW cheated on your little brother, came on to you, what would you do? Would you tell her off? Would you politely tell her that you couldn't flirt with someone that had been involved with your brother? Would you just stop talking to her? Or, would you flirt back? Would you maybe plan to meet her, have cyber sex with her, and even start an inappropriate relationship with her?
Based on this story so far, and the opening paragraph, I bet you can guess what you are supposed to choose.
This little choose your own ending story is the actual story of someone I know.
Needless to say, I want to beat his sister with a piece of barbed wire.
$40 Friends
I think this supposed "friend" deserves a kick in the head with that spike toed boot that I just got done shoving up the military haters ass.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Anime is japanese for FUCKING RETARDED.
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! And people WORSHIP this shit? I have come to the conclusion that anyone who attends anime conventions, writes anime fanfic, takes on japanese pseudonyms, and tries to learn japanese from home is a pathetic hopeless retard. I know someone like that. She writes anime fanfic that consists of sword fighting and man on man butt loving and calls it ART. Yeah, I can write about Yoshimitsu and Bo Chin humping each other up the ass while fighting kung fu masters to the death with ancient japanese magic cards in the middle of a mystical countryside engulfed in flames and overtaken with dragons while talking about the need to go forth and destroy every demon with the jewel shards lest they will emerge from the darklands and join the evil shoalin priestess on a quest to recover the shattered remains of what once was the legacy of honor and disgrace it with the blood of the forsaken. Or some shit. It isn't art. It's pathetic.
Just so you know...
Too smart for my own good.
For example. I have a really hard time with vomit. Not just like most people, where of course I don't like it, and it makes me gag a little, or whatever. I mean like if someone throws up, I will, too. I can't handle it. I guess I should take that as a sign that I should never have children.
Ruby has somehow become aware of my puke phobia and she takes advantage of it. Keep in mind the girl is FOUR YEARS OLD. If she doesn't want to eat dinner, all of a sudden she feels like she has to throw up. If she doesn't want to clean, she has to throw up. If she doesn't want to go to bed, she has to throw up. And, since one time we had to pull over the car so that she could regurgitate purple and pink swirly Trix yogurt all over the Sam's Club parking lot, she knows that I will give in to her every time because I am too damn scared that this may be the one time that she isn't lying just to get out of doing something she doesn't want to.
So, of course I feel like a total retard because when I was young I wasn't clever enough to come up with that, and the one time that I did tell my parents that I didn't want to eat tartar sauce because it would make me throw up I actually did throw up and they punished me for it like I forced myself to vomit.
Ruby is going to take over the world.
It's about damn time...
And, I love my husband. Everything is all better and he is trying so hard. We got to talk and he is just so run down and fed up and ready to be in our own apartment where we can escape the kids. All he wanted was one day a week that he would could just read, or play games, or veg without any responsibilities or commitments. I absolutely think he deserves at least that since he is working and going to school full time, and I wish I could give it to him, but while we live here with three very full time children, it just isn't going to happen. So I promised him one day a week after we move (in about two weeks) and he promised me that while we are still here he will do at least one thing a day to help me out, even if it's just taking out the trash which takes like two minutes. So far he has been awesome about it. I am not naive enough to think that he is just going to change overnight and all of a sudden be Mr Perfect Husband, but I have to have some faith in him, so that's what I am going to do. Crossing my fingers that this time it sticks, at least better than before. :oP I know that after living here with three kids constantly messing up anything and everything they can get their hands on, keeping my own apartment with just me and Adam in it is going to be a PIECE OF CAKE.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Really, what do they gain?
FUCKING ASSHOLE. I am starting to think that maybe we just aren't right for each other. Ya know, since I actually GIVE A SHIT and he doesn't. FUCKER. I hate him right now. He was home all day today and didn't do a FUCKING THING but read a book, while I packed all of our dishes, cleaned the kitchen, cooked, packed all of the spices, sorted through tons of stuff to give away, packed all of our stuff in the living room, gave the kids all baths, cleaned the living room, did laundry, packed a bunch of stuff for Gretta, and did a shitload of dishes. And the most important thing that I asked him to do, call G's ex about giving us our money before we fucking overdraw, of COURSE he didn't do that. Why do I have to be the fucking grown up? Why is it that all of the bills, packing, cleaning, cooking, worrying, being responsible, calling people, shoppping for groceries, EVERYTHING that grown ups have to do to survive, falls on MY SHOULDERS? Why does he get to be an irresponsible asshole? WHY????????????
I just want to fucking die.
Did I mention that I hate him right now?
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Sorry Hil, I can't talk to you anymore
Uh yeah, weird. So, I can't talk to Hilary anymore. Our nightly phonecall smoke sessions are getting to my subconscious. Not only do I talk to her everyday, but I am starting to dream about her every night. She gets to have her cushy Star Wars and Britney dreams, and I am stuck with her drowning and her husband screaming at me to sky dive from a big ice cream plane or something. Looks like you are just gonna have to quit smoking. :P
The dreaded move.
So, I think I have finally perfected my Jedi mind tricks and all of a sudden Hilary is Star Wars enthralled, after years of subtle hints and innuendos. She has finally fallen to the dark side of obsession. Unfortunately, she is a little more like Adam in that aspect. As much as I *thought* I knew about Star Wars, she is blowing me out of the water with all of her analystical questions. So, I say to her what I say to all weirdo film fanatics... IT'S JUST A MOVIE. IT'S NOT REAL. Hahaha. We did have a lot of fun editing pictures of her to include a light saber last night though. LoL. She can be Hilafet. Or Hiloda. Or Hilawon Kenobe. Or Hilamadala. Or the ultimate supreme geek of the universe.
And I need to add... I am really looking forward to having my own place. Now that the matter of a deposit is all taken care of, I can allow myself to think about how nice it will be to actually have my own HOME and not just my own room. I keep thinking about sitting on the couch, watching TV, sipping some tea, and not having to worry about if I remembered to put sunscreen on the kids or if I made the house adequately clean for when Gretta gets home from work. Most of the week Adam is gone all but 4 hours a day when he is sleeping, so it will be like living all on my own. I feel like a teenager about to move out on their own for the first time. I will finally have NO ONE TO ANSWER TO and get to play house and be a real live grown up!
I am such a goob.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Moving on up...
So, today we went to Logan to look at apartments and the second place we looked at was perfect. One bedroom, heat and high speed internet included, located about 4 blocks from where Adam works, allows pets, and it's a basement apartment so it's nice and cool during the summer. All for $430 a month. Now we have to come up with $430 for the deposit and the first 4 months or so we will be paying extra on top of rent for the pet deposit. The only thing I don't really like is that the outside of the house looks ghetto fabulous, but it's in a nice neighborhood and it's not like I am buying the place, so I'll get over it.
The best part though... and you will probably think I am crazy here... but the best part is that Gretta is renting one of the apartments right above us. Now, I know, we are moving to get away from each other but still moving right next to each other. Hahaha. Well, the thing is, I still want to be able to babysit for her because then I won't have to look for a job, she doesn't have to search for a babysitter that she trusts, and she can save some money on childcare. So, it works out perfectly for both of us. I can still watch the kids for her, but go home at the end of the day and have some kid-free time.
Pure genius. Now we just have to come up with the deposit.
Oh, and a side note, Koko has eye goobers and the bottom of her eyes look a little puffy. I really hope she doesn't have some kind of infection that she needs to go to the vet for because I can't afford that and have no idea what we will do. I am just going to have to watch it and hope she doesn't give it to the other cats. Hopefully she just got into something and it irritated her eyes and she will get over it, like an allergy.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Don't you just love it...
Anyway, the girl who accused me of hacking did a public apology thing since she knows she was wrong to accuse me like that. Big of her although it was half hearted and still shady. Whatever. I am done with her and her drama, have been for months now actually, so no more blog space will be wasted on her.
On to bigger and better things.
Roxy is a little poop machine. I know not interesting, but this is what my life consists of. I let her in last night because I didn't want her outside at night, you know trying to be a good pet owner and all, so she decides to reward me for my thoughtfulness by taking a gigantic runny shit in my closet. Lovely. So at 4 am I had to clean up cat diarrhea.
I love my life.
Freaking out a little.
UGH. I don't even want to think about it...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Did you know I'm a hacker?
And believe me honey, if I had the skills to hack, I would hack someone that MATTERS. Not some 45 member shithole of a board filled with the rejects from my board.
Stupid ass.
Uh yeah, I'm a tard.
Yeah, not so easy. I swear I can not think of a SINGLE CD that I would like to own. That isn't normal right? I would like to think that I am this hip, punk, alternative, edgy girl, but I can't think of a single CD that I would actually want to own.
Of course that could be due to the fact that I illegally download music, so when I hear a song I get it for free without having to buy a whole CD full of worthless shit just to get the one song that I happen to like that week.
So I copied Hilary and asked my friends what their first impression of me is because, in Hilary's words:
First impressions are even cooler because it's not like you will ever have a first impression of yourself or anything. Because you have always known YOU... Right?
This is what I got...
Hmm, you responded to one of my first posts on the health boards.
You kind of freaked me out because you explained things better than my Dr. lol
I already told you that you scared me in the debate forum
I viewed you as being like the "MUFASA" (Lion King) of SO. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I just thought you were the cool chick on the board that EVERYONE loved.
I thought you were a tightass conservative asshole, but I grew to love you!
My first thought was "Who the hell does the witch she thinks she is.... coming in here and throwing around her admin status!" LOL But now i love ya!
My first impression was that you were a big huge copier.
I liked you a lot! I remember Gretta used to talk about you all the time, so I was really excited to meet you. After all Trina, you are super cool.
I'd say kinda gothic, dark, opinionated, intelligent...
I refuse to incriminate myself... though I will say that it was all good. (From my husband... Haha)
I loved you from the beginning. Super-friendly, super-open.
I had no idea I left such a bad first impression on people sometimes. Of course Hilary was just mad cuz I banned her from the first group we belonged to together. And Melissa first met me in my "I am just barely starting to get interested in politics and everyone I know is a Republican" stage. And Dani first met me when I was promoted on SO and had no idea that Hilary and I were friends. Now none of them can live without me and my uber wicked awesomeness.
Err... something.
Quote of the day...
If I had a fondue pot I would be a fire hazard. ~Hilary
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
I hate...
And what is it with men lately? All of my friend's husbands are being TOTAL retards. All of them. It's like masculine PMS but worse because there is no way to predict it, and it makes a man do things that affect his whole family adversely without a single thought of how anyone else may feel about it. Say what you want about female PMS, but banging around a few dishes and getting mad cuz you don't have the right brand of ice cream is nothing compared to uprooting your whole family or threatening to divorce your wife. The most recent victim of the Male PMS attack is one of my friends who is married to an ex-Marine. She has been waiting for five years now to go to college and it seems like no matter what she does or how well she plans, something screws it all up for her. She even has the money in her account all ready for her to enroll, but her husband decides he wants to join the Marines again with NO regard for the fact that she already went through one enlistment with him and followed him around the country so he could live his dream. It's her turn already. And his argument to justify his genius plan? He was meant to "die in the war". Yeah, THAT is going to make her agree to it. Not only will she hop right onboard so he can be gone again 24/7 AND get deployed to Iraq, but she will be singing hallelujah at the thought of him dying and having to raise their daughter alone.
Men are fucking idiots. I am going to make sure Adam knows before he tries to slip into retarded mode that I am watching and he will be eating his balls for breakfast if he even tries to pull some insane shit on me.
Tampon anyone?
My cousin Andrew came to visit me and my husband for a week, and being the weirdo 12 year old horn dog that he was, he was always doing things to shock us. Like, for example, using our entire box of condoms as balloons. The worst by far was what I will refer to as "the tampon incident".
He decided to be *funny* and go through my cabinets in the bathroom looking for things to use in another one of his prop comedy acts. Pretty soon he emerged with a tampon... uh, take a wild guess what he did with it.
Back in those days we were poor, so the liquid portion of our diets consisted mainly of kool aid. Lucky for us we had a pitcher or tropical punch flavored kool aid in the fridge that night. Bright ass red. Andrew thought it would be funny to eject the tampon from it's applicator, dip it in his cup of kool aid, and SUCK THE KOOL AID OFF OF THE TAMPON.
At that moment I had a wave of disgust overtake me, but it was accompanied with a weird twinge of disappointment because I didn't have my camera handy. Damn, that would have been awesome blackmail...
Monday, July 04, 2005
The name generator name generator
Rich White Republican Name: Katherine "Eatin' Eleanor" Robinson
Mormon Name: Tabrina Aeranee
"Totally gay nickname Carl would give me" name: Dog-castratin' King of Kickass
Biggest mistake I'll ever make in sex name: You forgot to remove that insanely large dildo you were using earlier
Celebrity I would fuck if I were gay Name: Britney Spears (Take that Hilary!)
70's pimp name: Pimpotronic Brotherman
Modern day pimp name: Rollin Pimpydaddy
Sith name: Darth Archibald
Rejected Disney character name: Marijuana Obliterator of Villages
What my name would be if my parents could name me right name: TITania Antigone Marilyn Mariad Loquatia Tie-Quon-Do
OMG I could go on and on...
And it begins...
I figured since Hilary wouldn't stop bugging me about having a weblog, I would make one. So, here it is. I have no idea what I will talk about, but I'm sure I can think of something to ramble about. I'll put a new picture in here every day too, since I am a photographer and all.
Today it is Gretta. My SIL. I don't understand the girl. She is 29, divorced, with three kids. She was married to a total idiot loser that I figure she HAD to have married because she had low self esteem. She admits as much herself really.
Well, since the divorce almost 2 years ago she has lost 30 lbs, gotten new clothes, and taken on a new identity. I get that as much as she claims she is so confident, she has some serious self esteem issues. I get it, I really do. To be cheated on by an idiot like her ex would make ANYONE question their worth.
What I don't get is why she insists on putting on this "I am absolute perfection" act with me. First of all, I'm *supposed* to be her best friend. I can see that something is not right with her. I knew her when she was married. I knew her when she was depressed and miserable. I knew her when she was "frumpy" and "fat" (her words not mine). I knew her before the divorce and the personality make-over. The only difference I see now is that she tries so much harder to make people like her, which makes her a different person than the one I become best friends with over three years ago. There are parts of her that are changed for the better, because she is happier. I just don't think she is as happy and she lets on to be which makes me wonder how honest she is being, not just with me, but with herself.
This is the thing that brings it home for me though... the thing that concerns me the most... She has been with a guy for over a year now that REFUSES to get serious or even tell her that he loves her. He is flaky, he is phoney, he has some really bad habits, and honestly, he is using her. She will make excuses for him, but after a year the guy KNOWS if he loves her or not, so acting like it's just hard for him t o say the words but she "knows he feels it too" is a cop-out. After a year and a half, if he hasn't said it, he doesn't feel it. Bottom line. I wish for her sake that it was different, because she deserves to be loved and adored, but I can't wrap my brain around it and make it seem any other way than that. I know she doesn't want to be alone. I definately know what that feels like. I just think she is wasting her time with this guy when she could be finding someone to treat her right.
Still, she puts on this charade when it comes to him, like he is the best guy in the world, even though last night he flaked out on her (again) after planning to come over for a week. Yet somehow, today, he is the sweetest guy in the world and she is all over him. If a guy did that to me, I wouldn't wait on him and treat him like being in his presence makes my life complete once he did finally decide to show up and make an effort. I would be ripping him a new one. And after he did it to me over and over again, like he has done to her, I wouldn't just rip him a new one, I would rip his balls off and feed them to him as I kicked his ass to the curb. I would like to think that I am not the abnormal one here, but apparently I am.
I love her to death, she has literally changed my life. I wouldn't know my husband if it wasn't for her. I know that I can depend on her if I ever need anything. She is the best friend I have ever had. I just wonder why she puts up with what she does.
Happy 4th of July.