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Friday, March 12, 2010

Eternal Sunshine

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd

~Alexander Pope

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Why does 2010 smell so much like urine?

I wish I could say that my year has been AMAZING, and here at the beginning of the third month of this glorious year things have never been better, and that leprechauns and unicorns have been pooping little golden turds of rainbows & sunshine & candy all over my world..

Instead, I have a chihuahua who won't stop peeing all over my house. We had him broken of this horrible teeny dog habit. He was doing so WELL. Just the occassional "I am a tiny little dog with a tiny little bladder and when I get REALLY REALLY excited a little pee pee might squirt out so beware" accident, but the squatting and peeing was done... or so we thought.

In the past week he has lifted his leg and peed on my nephew, squatted between the couches and let 'er rip, circled the bottom of my chair and sprayed allllllll over, and followed me around the kitchen leaving little puddles every few inches in his wake... He is on a urine free-for-all and there is no end in sight. How does that much liquid fit into that tiny little body??

The worst part is when he is doing it and I come up to him to grab him to try and stop him/throw him outside/whatever, he just looks up at me like the top half of his body has NO IDEA what the bottom half is doing at that very moment. He just gets the cute puppy look like he is expecting some good lovins. Then I have to punish him and make him all cowery and the shame pee starts.

Little leaky bastard is lucky he is so fucking cute.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Social Media RIGHT NOW.

I found this online and think it is AMAZING!

Monday, February 01, 2010

One month...

Today is one month in, and I gotta say, it has been full of a lot more ups and downs than I thought it would be. Overall, while I could have done better, I think I have done pretty well. Especially with my food choices. The exercise is another story though. I started out strong, and then fizzled about halfway through.

Must. Fix. That.

So, one month in and my official result is...

Down 7.5 lbs.

I actually haven't lost a single pound in the last two weeks. I am extremely disappointed in myself that I haven't lost more. I lost that first seven lbs the first week and the second half a lb the second week. =(

Today I will do better. I have to do better.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week two curse

I think this whole week two thing they talk about on shows like The Biggest Loser is happening to me. I have stuck to my diet, I have been working out for at least an hour every day, I am drinking water like it's going out of style... All of this and I don't think I have lost a single pound.

It is very disheartening. I will know for sure when I do my "weigh-in" on Friday, but the few times I have stepped up on the scale this week I see no progress so far at all in the weight department. =(

I really hope that week three will prove successful not only in sticking to my goals off the scale, but showing some progress on the scale as well.