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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week two curse

I think this whole week two thing they talk about on shows like The Biggest Loser is happening to me. I have stuck to my diet, I have been working out for at least an hour every day, I am drinking water like it's going out of style... All of this and I don't think I have lost a single pound.

It is very disheartening. I will know for sure when I do my "weigh-in" on Friday, but the few times I have stepped up on the scale this week I see no progress so far at all in the weight department. =(

I really hope that week three will prove successful not only in sticking to my goals off the scale, but showing some progress on the scale as well.


Rebecca said...

Hang in there Bobina! You're body is probably saying "Um...wait a minute...uh...what the!" :) Keep on keeping on girly!