Yesterday Adam and I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (different from the original, much funnier than the original, and Johnny Depp is SO PRETTY in it) and get me a birthday present. I had a hard time deciding since we didn't have enough to get me a camera lens.
For some reason, I am obsessed with notebooks right now. We went into the bookstore, big mistake, and I migrate right ot the doary section. I found an ADORABLE little lined diary that has retro circles in the front and doesn't say "Diary" or "journal" anywhere on it. Of course, I had to have it. So that was present number one.
Present number two was the game Scene It. SO FUN! If you haven't played it, you should. I was actually surprised at how good I was at it, and you can play with only two people, or in teams, which is what we did last night. I knew the answers to some questions that surprised everyone else (apparently they thought I was STUPID or something) and I got some really easy questions (like what's the donkeys name in Shrek... DUH) so Adam and I whooped some ASS first game. Adam kinda gave up second game so Gretta and Darin skated through game two.
But, that's wasn't all folks... Adam called his dad last night because we got a message that he wanted our address to send us something. We assumed it was a new processor for the computer since the one we have is a dinosaur and I can't load Photo Shop onto my computer because of it. Turns out, he decided to go one up...
HE IS SENDING US A LAPTOP!!! I am WICKED excited. Of course I am going to have to fight Adam tooth and nail to ever use it, BUT I have the excuse that I can't use PS on the computer so I need the notebook! Hahaha.
So, that's why I am obsessed with notebooks.
13 years ago
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